Thursday, July 5, 2012

Blessings all around us

Are you a singer? Do you tend to drive with the music blasting and your lungs on fire because you are singing so loudly? That is often what the inside of my super charger sounds and looks like. Can you picture it?! However, the noise decibel vastly decreases when a new or unfamiliar song comes on. There is a song by Group 1 Crew that has been on the radio for awhile now; it was not until recently that I really paid attention to the lyrics:  

He Said” By: Group 1 Crew Featuring Chris August

So your life feels like it don't make sense
And you think to yourself, "I'm a good person,
So why do these things keep happening? "
Why you gotta deal with them
You may be knocked down now, but don't forget
What He said, He said

"I won't give you more
More than you can take
And I might let you bend
But I won't let you break
And know, I'll never, ever let you go"
Don't you forget what He said
Don't you forget what He said, He said

Who you are ain't what you're going through
So don't let it get the best of you
'Cause God knows everything you need
So you ain't gotta worry
You may be knocked down now, but just believe what He said

He said "I won't give you more
More than you can take
And I might let you bend
But I won't let you break
And know I'll never ever let you go"
Don't you forget what He said

Don't fear when you go through the fire
Stand strong when it's down to the wire
Stand tall and remember what He said

"I won't give you more
More than you can take
And I might let you bend
But I won't let you break"

"I won't give you more
More than you can take
And I might let you bend
But I won't let you break
And know I'll never ever let you go"
Don't you forget what he said

He said, what he said
Don't you forget what he said
What he said

        Meditating on what I was singing along to in the chorus and verses, I realized that the song has meaning and is actually true. I am not going to break because of my fertility journey, nor am I going to break if I end up driving the super charger for the rest of my life. J I have the support of Cole, family, and friends to walk this journey with me; even better yet, Jesus left me the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide me along the way. The song provoked me to look up different verses that ‘HE SAID’ to us. The one in Hebrews 13:5 struck a nerve with me:

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

        I like this verse for multiple reasons. Throughout all of my life, I have never been alone. I have always had Mom, Dad, Kira, or Tyler around. In college, I always had my teammates around. And currently, I always have Cole around. What I sometimes forget is that I always have God with me. So, in the times when Cole cannot answer my phone call or my Mom is not able to reply to my text, I can lean on the comfort of the Lord, knowing He will never leave my side.    

        The second reason I love this verse is because it talks about being content. Contentment has been a word that has stood out to me in the past four years. It has reminded me to focus on what I am blessed with in life and not was I am missing out on. In pursuit of joy each day, this verse has reminded me to count my blessings: the grace that God gives me daily, the loving husband I have to be with for the rest of my life, my health, my family, my friends, my church, my home, my job, my neighborhood, my vehicle, my electronics, my, my, my, my, my…… the list could go on and on. Being content in my current life circumstances has also taught me to appreciate the activities I am able to participate in with Cole, family, and friends – before children enter the picture. For example, it would be pretty difficult to take a new born to a 94 degree baseball game at Target Field; or to the pool on a 97 degree day; or out to all of my girl lunch dates; or to latest 3D Spiderman movie. In the words of my wise friend, Sarah, ‘I am truly blessed!’

1 comment:

  1. I like that verse in Hebrews--it reminds me of one that Jake and I often go to when we're talking about contentment: Proverbs 30:7-9. Thanks for the reminder :)
